Dox/Alien/Alex | They/Them/He/Him | Over 18! (11/11)I'm your local Evil Alien Overlord!
I do art most of the time, and occasionally have bad opinions.
My commissions are OPEN

if you are unable to read my carrd due to the font/any other reason controllable by me, please contact me via discord (alien-shmalien) or tumblr (alien-shmalien) to let me know, and I'll attempt to help you out or take recommendations on making my carrd more accessible to you!


Rules/TOS:- Commission time may vary between a few days to a few months depending on my free time. NSFW commissions will often take longer. You may ask for regular updates, however please be respectful.- I have the right to refuse any commission for any reason, at any time. If i decide to cancel a commission after its been paid, a refund may be issued depending how far along the commission was done and why I refused to continue the commission.- Full Payment required BEFORE Lineart (Before any work on Sketch commissions)- Edits can be made for free to the sketch, and to a point on the lineart, but major lineart edits or excessive minor edits from lineart to finish will result in a fee of 2-10 USD depending on edits *This fee will need to be paid before the final file is sent- Please do not edit or post the art without credit. You may edit if the edit will only be personal (EX: not shared around as your own art) but do not copy or claim the art as your own.- You may ask me to not post the art on my public platforms, but it may be included in my commission examples.- Refunds will only be given if asked for Before final stage begins and will only be 50-75% of the original price. Refunds are NOT issued on sketch commissions, Unless I haven't started it at all when the refund is asked for.- Prices Can vary based on request - even if you only order something that has a range of 10-15 dollars, if your request is easier it can be cheaper, or if its much harder, it can incur higher prices. I will warn you if the price would change based on such factors and work with you!- please be able to prove you own the character youre commissioning me for/have permission from the owner ...- If you'd like something not listed here, or have questions, please dm me to discuss!

Will Draw:
- Ocs
- Canon
- Ships
- Animals
- Furries
- Etc.

Won't Draw:
- Proship content
- Bigotry
- Zoophilia
- Specific Medias that usually relate to the above

Maybe Draw*:
- Complex Mech
- Certain Fetish Content
- Humans
- Large muscles
- Etc.
* Asking for these things may result in extra fees, much longer wait time or subpar product

(All Prices have a range based on Complexity)
Sketch: $10-$15 (Colored: $15-$20)
Lineart: $20-$25 (Colored: $25-$30)
"colored" can mean shaded, and both can be done with a bit of a fee
Background/Environment: $10-$30 added to original price on complexity of background
DISCLAIMER: I'm still working on my background abilities! I cannot guarantee the outcome, but will try my best
Extra characters; + 20-50% of end price (On complexity)

YOU MUST PROVIDE A DIALOGUE OR ACTION SCRIPT FOR THIS! I can work with non-exact scripts though it may take some time and additional fees.
Min 2 Panels, Max 6 Panels
Color/Background/more than 2 characters will add to the price
I will work with you on the price! It is highly determined on the level of detail and the specifics of the comic itself. Please be very patient when it comes to getting a comic commission!!

Character Design:
All Character design commissions come with 1 version of the design, some text and a color palette. Variations can be added for $10 each (Such as alt outfits), and additional details can be added for $5 each (Such as Closeups of eyes/mouths/wings/etc, or inventories)
Bust: $20
Full Body: $40
Possible price reduction if alot of references are provided for inspiration
If discussed, I will do characters based on or inspired by other references, including but not limited to TV shows, Games or Species. I do not judge, however I have my limits, so simply discuss it with me.Pre-existing Character Ref:
If you have a character that is already designed and you want a reference or redesign of, this makes it slightly cheaper. However, if you change too much, it may have to be considered a design commission.
These follow the same baselines as Character Designs, with 1 version, and additionals being added. See above for details.
Bust: $15
Fullbody: $30

(3 for $10)

Pricing changes:
- Simple design characters may have a discount depending on the commission
- Any option can be made NSFW for +50% of it's SFW price (ie: Sfw=30 USD, NSFW= 45 USD)
- Gift Commissions can have a 15% discount on 20 USD or More orders
Payment taken through Ko-Fi or Paypal!
-Contact me for any Questions or orders!

Links and Contacts

Easiest to find on Discord (alien_shmalien)Main Tumblr: Alien-Shmalien
Sheezy.art: Alien-Shmalien
Cohost: Alien-Shmalien
Toyhou.se: Alien-Shmalien
Ko.fi: Alien Shmalien
Note: If you try to contact me on Discord, Please Let Me Know who you are on another platform first. I do not accept random friend reqs to talk to people.